Tuesday, March 15, 2005

TV's future is in space...

Six years ago, our collective minds were blown away by the sheer audacity brought to the small screen by a bunch of actors and their crew Down Under; Farscape burst into the scifi scene and TV would never be same. Apart from those unable to disentangle from StarGate's mind numbing effects.
Four years down the road, the powers that be decided that they could not in good conscience provide the public with shows which required their audience to actually think, so... Regardless of how many bras were left on their desks, they axed the little show that could and Moya prepared to sail amongst the solar winds no more.
Hah!! It seems a sufficiently large percentage of TV viewers quite enjoy having their minds challenged on a weekly basis (or even oftener, judging by the absurd amount of blogs, fansites and fanfiction webs about Farscape which sprouted almost overnight and which are still going strong), so Henson & Co. gave us "The PeaceKeeper Wars".
Suddenly, and about the same time as FS:PKWars came out, a long forgotten show got an adrenaline shot straight to the heart, a la Pulp Fiction. Battlestar Galactica got squeezed through a wormhole (I made a funny, hah) and out the other end of the blue revolving vortex came Battlestar Galactica 2003, an in-your-face, kick ass, intelligent, refreshing and challenging scifi show.
What does all of this have to do with Crichton and his merry band, you ask. Well, strictly speaking, nothing really. Save for the fact that BSG2004 has picked up the gavel FS was forced to drop mid race, and is doing it with style. Also, those of you assiduous of the Kansas board and inclined to read through my perusings may have noticed my opus "To Become... One" has not gone anywhere in a hurry. I don't intend for this to be its perpetual state of being, but it is very difficult for me to continue the story.
In the meantime, I have hope. Hope that the road started by Farscape and now continued by the Galactica crew will one day become the leading trend and inspire others to produce other shows as worthy as these two.

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